Monday, July 7, 2008

A few tidbits

I just saw a t-shirt that said ''I'm Muslim, Don't be Afraid.''

People chain smoke here, and when they go to a café they might have 3-4 cigarettes over one little cup of coffee. So I’ve noticed that waiters do more work bringing fresh ashtrays than drinks.

I get a kick out of seeing couples walking around with the man carrying his girlfriend’s purse.

I am constantly amused by the random old American songs that play on the radio or TV.

The calls to prayer near my house have recently been accentuated by the howls of a dog. My host mom jokes that the dog is praying. (Well, she pantomimes.)

Most showers here are a messy combination of a loose showerhead and no shower curtain, so it has been a challenge not to create puddles on the bathroom floor every time I shower.

TV programs show a lot more nudity than in the US, but I was still surprised when a Croatian gossip show aired close-ups from a club of some celebrity’s cocaine-damaged nose. I can’t imagine that being aired on an American gossip show, but then, I’ve never actually watched one.


Kathy MacDonald said...

Aha, but what do you suppose it is that the dog is praying FOR?

Gma said...

maybe the cocaine nose is like the smokers lungs they used to show in health class to scare you!

Gma said...

Maybe the cocaine nose is like the smoker's lungs they like to show in health class--a warning!agwdhvoa