Friday, June 27, 2008
Half way there already?!!!
Thurs,June 26, 6pm
Again, I'm writing this at home and I'll post it when I get online tomorrow afternoon.
Teaching is going well, although it can be tiring. Deivid and I have the youngest groups during the 3 sessions, first 5-7 year olds, then about 10, then about 12. Our youngest group can be a little wild, and the oldest boys can also get wild, while the middle group is the easiest in terms of classroom control but in some ways the most challenging for coming up with activities (they are too young for some drama games and writing activities, too old for songs). These are rough ages; in the middle and last classes we've got 3 sisters 10-12 and 11-12. The middle class sisters are shy and less proficient at English while the three in the last class are our best English speakers (and one of them, our biggest show off). Some of the kids are really quite good at English while others struggle, and some are just shy. One of the most valuable things about this program, though, is to overcome shyness and insecurities about their English abilities and give them a fun and encouraging environment to just practice speaking, as opposed to the grammar drills and such that occur during the school year in their English classes.
Deivid and I do a bit of fun review and reinforcement along with the new vocabulary we try to introduce each day. So, for example, today (Thursday) we did jeopardy with the oldest group, going over places around town, modes of transportation, some of the international stuff we've covered on Wednesdays, and some spelling. With the youngest group we showed them some pictures and had them tell us what they were. I'm also quite fond of singing songs with the youngest group, to go along with body parts they know Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and Hokey Pokey, and today we added If You're Happy and You Know It, and for directional words I taught them The Wheels on the Bus.
To encourage the older ones to talk for longer, we have done a few individual competitive games with them as well as some of the group games and competitions. It seems to work really well with the oldest class, particularly the quieter boys, to ask them to draw a picture of something and then have a contest for describing it (who can talk the longest and most properly). We've done this on "transportation" day with their imaginary cars, and on "around the town/places" day with their favorite (real or imagined) location. Competition does seem to get the quiet ones talking a little more, but I worry about the balance between scoring fairly and discouraging the ones who talk more than they usually do but still come out among the last, which is especially noticeable with the overt scoring system of us putting numbers on the board.
Lisa and I teamed up to do Ghana for international day yesterday and finally hit that inevitable moment where something in one language evokes giggles due to its meaning in another language. I covered some facts about Ghana while Lisa, who takes African dance, taught a few lines of a song and a few dance steps. It turned out that the name of the song/dance, "Kaki Lombe," sounded like the bosnian phrase for "shit town," causing especially the 9-13 year old boys to giggle. It took several classes for someone to tell us why they were so amused.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Besides school, it's been quite hot, in the 90s. I've fallen into a routine of waking up around 7:15 to eat oatmeal and prepare a snack (fruit, sandwich of bread and cheese) for school and take on the 20+ minute walk in the growing heat, teach from 8:15 until 1:15, go out for coffee or ice cream and plan the next day, head to the library for internet access and reading material (The Economist! Novels! Things I never had time for at Swat.). I get home around 4pm for the big meal of the day, which is nice to have earlier in the day. After the meal I read, but in this heat I've been dosing off. Many nights we meat for "coffee" (Bosnian terminology, I can't handle it that late in the day but I'm happy to have beer/"pivo" or fresh squeezed lemonade, served unsweetened and with sugar on the side).
As for the food, I've been loving pie ("pita"), especially burek, which is the mince meat pie. Pita is meat, cheese, squash, or another filling inside of narrow tubes of dough rolled into a coil or served in strips. I've also been served fish sticks, brocoli, and fried eggplant with feta, olive oil, and of course bread and salad of tomatoes peppers and cucumbers; some sort of meat, beans, mushrooms dish today with a miniature burek and of course bread and salad; mushroom cream soup or mushrooms with risotto and of course bread and salad.....Last Sunday we went out to Zenica's best Cevapi (chevapi) place. Cevapi are little meat patties served with delicious fresh bread (in a naan-like form) and onion, usually ordered along with salad and drinkable yogurt (which helps with the onion breath). Around 8 or 9pm my host mom has a snack of bread, cheese, and oil, and/or fruit, and/or ice cream, and/or a small amount of leftovers from dinner, and I join her if I'm around or hungry.
Last week we went out to see Turkey-Croatia in the Eurocup quarters. We went to a little microbrewery that served beer with a hoppy flavor, which I really appreciated given that the regional beers are rather poor lagers. The place is apparently quite crowded during the winter, but it's got none of the outdoor seating that is so popular in the summer, so few people were there. Croatia is none too popular in Bosnia, while Turkey is loved (the Turks ruled the Balkans for a long, long time), so the last-minute way in which the game was decided for Turkey caused much horn-honking and some firecracker explosions, similar, actually, to the reaction of my hometown fans in Boston when our teams win big games.
Last night and tonight (Wed and Thurs) are the Eurocup semis so there are big screens set up at cafes/bars to watch the games. Turkey-Germany was last night and I was in a very small minority rooting for Germany. However, apparently due to storms in Austria (hosting the cup), the signal was dropped 3 times. The first time the game remained 1-1. The second time the signal resumed, they were just showing a replay of a Turkey goal, and the cafe went crazy, but I waited for the score to reappear onscreen. Everyone slouched when it turned out to be not 2-1 Turkey but tied at 2; it was quite amusing. Then just after Germany scored in the final minutes to make it 3-2 the signal went out and when it returned the German team was celebrating onscreen. A little anticlimactic but an amusing incident.
Last anecdote - Alma, one of the hosts and a translator for us, commented to me the other day over one of her 3-4 coffee dates that day that us Americans were very cheap. The comment was inspired by several Americans' reluctance to buy coffee (1-1.5 KM) at one of our once or twice daily coffee dates. I thought about this and explained to her that it must be a cultural difference. Americans don't have the same quality of coffee and when we drink it, we either make it at home or go grab a solitary cup en route to somewhere or with our laptops at Starbucks, while Bosnians make several coffee dates with friends throughout the day and night. So it is just a natural part of daily life and budgeting for them, while some Americans coming to Bosnia didn't consider that they would spend $2 a day on the social norm and are reluctant, despite our country's comparative wealth, to adjust their budgets accordingly, especially with our student bank accounts. She agreed with this assessment and added that while she has no bank account and only X KM in her possession, of course she'd buy coffee and so will everyone else in Bosnia; it's a cultural difference both in social custom and attitude towards saving money.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
week one
Andrew and I co-teach three classes, each with about a dozen students. Our first class has eight and nine year-olds, the second has ten and eleven year-olds, and the third has twelve and thirteen year-olds. This means that, in general, as the day progresses so do the English language skills of the kids we see. However, individual levels of English vary greatly, even among children of the same age. In each of our classes there are kids who know only a few words and also kids who can hold lengthy conversations.
Our lessons this week followed the theme of "people". This incorporated introductions and basic conversation (Monday), occupations (Tuesday), and emotions/characteristics (Thursday). We also had international day on Wednesday and Holiday Friday. For these days the three classrooms were different countries and holidays, and the students rotated through them. This was great for us teachers because we got to meet all of the kids at the school.
So far I am really impressed with them all. They are (mostly) very enthusiastic and have been encouraging and friendly towards each other. I was most surprised by their knowledge of geography and political history, given the lack of my own at their ages. Name any large country and even the youngest ones can probably tell you its capital.
On the other hand, their cultural knowledge seems to be largely based on what they have seen on TV, especially for the youngest kids. For example, when we asked what they knew about Malaysia, one child said that people live in the rainforest, believe in spirits and ghosts, wear traditional clothes, and eat off of banana leaves. While this is certainly true of some people in Malaysia (mainly, the communities featured by National Geographic), it is not very representative of the country.
As you may have guessed by now, for international day my classroom was Malaysia. After opening with a traditional indigenous dance, Andrew, who is from Malaysia, talked a little about the different ethnicities and religions found there. This provoked a small discussion in some of the oldest classes about the situation in Bosnia. Students said that among young people, everyone is friends with everyone else, regardless of their cultural or religious identity. Some had gone over to their friends' houses for Bajram (Eid, an Islamic holiday) and Christmas. I have heard similar things from other people I have spoken to in Zenica. While I was happy to hear this, it's hard to tell after only one week whether these opinions are held by most people and whether they are reflected in actual friendship groups.
My students haven't been the only ones learning this week. I have also been (trying to) learn a foreign language, along with a different way of life. I love the late lunches (3:00 pm) and ubiquitous coffee shops, but I still can't quite get used to the cars driving on the sidewalks.
The biggest thing I have learned is that teaching involves a lot of improvisation. We go in each day with fairly detailed plans, which we inevitably diverge from once we actually begin. As someone who delights in weekly schedules and color-coded spreadsheets, this has been a bit of a challenge for me. Luckily, Andrew is very good at thinking on his feet. I have also frequently used a list of games and activities I made earlier this summer as a cheatsheet for when our planned activity isn't going over well or doesn't take as long as we expect it to.
Another challenge has been engaging all of the students all of the time. As I mentioned earlier, we have a range of skills in every class. Additionally, as is the case everywhere, there are a few kids in our classes who have difficulty sitting still or focusing on one task for more than a few minutes. Andrew and I have therefore made sure to integrate plenty of games, skits, arts and crafts, and songs into our lessons. We try to break up instruction into small chunks, always using a fun activity or two for the kids to actively use vocabulary before we move on to the next topic or set of vocab. Of course, this has its advantages for us teachers as well!
Looking forward to week dva...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Life in Zenica
Monday, June 16, 5:30pm
I’m writing my first blog entry from my apartment and I’ll post it from an internet café tomorrow or Wednesday, as unlike the other 3 Swatties, my home stay does not have internet at the moment. That’s one of my excuses for posting less frequently and not posting pictures, but I also want to settle in and see things with my eyes before I take out the camera.
Zenica, by the way, is pronounced Zenizza (rhymes with pizza). The c in Serbo-Croat is a “tz” sound.
I visited
The first big thing I’ve noticed is that prices are up, and Zenica is cheaper than
The cost of food is up around the world, of course, but my host mother says food is among the things that have gotten most noticeably more expensive here just in the last two to three years (some Bosnians say as much as 50%). A meal at a restaurant is still cheaper than in the States, but more than when I was here in September 2006. For lunch today I had a small but filling plate of Cevapi for 3 KM, and the very strong but small espressos are 1 KM, as are modest scoops of ice cream. Bureks (a coiled pastry filled with mince meat, potato, or spinach) are 1.30 – 1.50 KM.
And although you might think of
A stroll around the mall yesterday had me raising my eyebrows at prices, and there were plenty of name brand Italian designer products. So much for cheap shopping, thanks dollar! It was fun anyway. I went with Robyn, a William + Mary student, and her host sister, Amina, who is about 10 and speaks great English. Amina was adorable, translating for us in stores (“we are just looking,” “do you have it in brown,” etc.), complaining about how some young Bosnian women wear too much makeup, and telling us how excited she was for Monday and the beginning of Sezam. This will be her third year with Sezam.
And many of the home stays have internet, which is spreading to more and more homes, and costs about 30 KM a month, according to Deivid’s host mother. Most people also have TVs, which get a variety of channels, among them Bosnian, Slovenian, German, and English (CNN International, MTV, National Geographic, Animal Planet, the latter three with Bosnian subtitles). The Eurocup is huge right now, and the NBA finals are broadcast on a local channel live at 3am with Bosnian announcers. (Go Green! Win soon so I can stop waking up in the middle of the night.)
So prices are up and there are plenty of luxury goods familiar to our American eyes, but as with everywhere, there are those who cannot afford them, and those who cannot afford them but indulge anyway. One of the Sezam employees complained that enrollment in the school program is down this summer, partly because, I paraphrase, “some people value buying clothes over an education.” There is also the clash of the young and the old, the older generation preferring to shop at the butcher, the vegetable stand, etc, while a largely younger crowd goes to the newer shopping malls and larger grocery stores. This is a struggle familiar to many other European cities as supermarkets crowd out specialty shops, something that happened in the
One similarity between Zenica and
As I mentioned before, coffee shops abound, both in the mall, along the central streets, and pretty much everywhere. Several streets downtown seem to be solely coffee shops with the occasional restaurant, store, or internet café. It’s been cold and rainy, but as the weather gets warmer I expect we’ll see larger crowds at the coffee shops, where there are both normal tables and chairs and comfortable swings to sit in. Coffee is the nexus of social life here, with people meeting in the home and in shops at all hours to have an espresso or Bosnian style coffee.
So that’s a partial picture of day-to-day life in Zenica.Monday, June 16, 2008
The First Day of School
It's 7:30, I cross the green bridge, the mountains, the fresh air, the Zenica residents ready to start their day. I carry some supplies inside my Jansport backpack. I carry the lesson plans. I carry the roster. I carry the motivation. But will this be enough?
I arrive at the elementary school, a little late. Of course since it is the first day unexpected trouble creeps at the school. A volunteer is missing, all the supplies expected are not present, and I am more nervous and anxious than I thought I was going to be.
Things turn out well around spirited kids. Materials present, volunteers present, ready to work.
The first group of kids start pouring in to Trudy and I's classroom. All sit down, with their opened notebooks with a smile ready to learn. The language is a problem, especially with this younger group (5-6) but our translator Emina helps us along the way.
First Group (5-6)
- Greeting skit
- Name Crowns
- Zoom Zoom Name Game
-Paper Crumble Ice Breaker
- Greeting Vocabulary
- Outside Exercise
-Rules and Expectations
Second Group (8-10)
-Advanced Greeting Skit
-Name Crowns
-Zoom Zoom Name Game
-Paper Crumble Ice Breaker
-Family Vocabulary
-My Family picture...
-Rules and Expectations
Third Group (11-13)
-Super Advanced Greeting Skit
-Name Crowns
- Name Game
-Paper Crumble Chain Lock
-Family/Profession Vocabulary
- Professions Skit
- When I grow up I want to be...
-Rules and Expectations.
Each group proved to be a challenge on its own. However, every single kid showed passion and love for learning. Their effort was seen in all the activities we had ready for them, from the skits to the games, they all jumped at every opportunity to learn.
I was very impressed with the level of knowledge from the second and third group. Not only was their English close to perfect, but their knowledge about the world was incredible. Their will to participate and to take part in their education is something I have not seen often with children in the United States.
I have learned a lot from the first day. As I fall asleep with the sounds of the river I think about the laughter, the energy, the smiles, and especially the appreciation. I cannot wait to see them tomorrow with their crowns...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Settled In
After my Miami-Amsterdam-Frankfurt-Sarajevo-Zenica traveling, I finally arrived at Zenica on Thursday around 12:00 A.M. The last three days I have been trying to immerse myself in Bosnian culture by spending a lot of time with my host family, Alma and Kenan, going to the numerous coffee shops with Zenica residents, engaging different children, contacting different NGO's, and walking and running all over the city.
Overall Zenica is an underdeveloped city compared to many cities around the world. The city is marked with economic stagnation, crime, and a lack of resources. There are a few buildings, most of them dating back to the Communist era under Tito (as can be seen by the gray colors, block-style housing, lack of balconies, and basically a scarcity of joy). There are not many things to do in the city and most people do not have televisions or internet in their homes, so most activites revolve around the various coffee shops, the recently opened mall, sports, and family. Despite these difficulties the spirit and attitude found in this city is simply amazing. My first preview of the kind of attitude described was with my host family. When they first showed me my room they had a printout of the Colombian flag posted on the wall! From that moment on I knew what kind of people I was going to encounter. People in Zenica are extremely hospitable and willing to help, my host family will not even allow me to get up and wash my own plate. Despite the difference in values and languages I have had the most opened and real conversations with people in Bosnia (everything ranging from the USA elections, immigration, homosexuality, gender roles, religion). They really do listen to everything you have to say.
The William & Mary and Swarthmore team have finally come together. The teams consist of Seth, Stephanie, Valerie, Robyn, Daniel, and Will from W&M and Trudy, Lisa, Andrew, and I from Swarthmore College. Tomorrow we start our work, teaching local children from Zenica (aged 6-9) English and incorporating Peace and Conflict material such as cooperation, team-work, etc. This program gives these kids something to do instead of spending time in the streets without having nothing to do. Today we concluded the initial planning of the program and we decided that our focus this week is going to "people", so all our activities will center around this topic. Tomorrow we will be introducing ourselves, playing different name games, introducing vocabulary, setting the rules, and giving them an overview of days to come. For the rest of the week we have planned, in the topic of "people", activities such as skits, games, arts and crafts activites, etc. surrounding professions, family and friends, homes, and greetings. We have also marked Wednesday as International Day and Friday as Holiday day. Since the program is basically from 8:00-1:00 from Monday to Friday, the team will have a lot of time available. Hence, I have been brainstorming on different ways we as a group can help Zenica with the time we have. Some things I have come up with is a mural project, a picnic, and teenage/older people conversation opportunity. I am most excited about the mural project because it has the potential of bringing people together, beautifying the city. and having other effects such as decreasing crime rates. Additionally, the group is looking into volunteering at another NGO that helps the elder and the disabled.
Thus, though the city might lack shopping malls, skyscrapers, luxurious restaurants, valet parking, movie theaters, etc. Here in Zenica, I find what most cities in the world lack, especially in the United States, which is a feeling of openness, realness, and homieness. These are not people in need of my pity or in need of my "interests in post-conflict societies", but just human beings like you and I. Humans that because treated unfairly by the world, need a hand.